
Top Rated Orland Park Podiatrist Shares Foot Care Tips For The Sandal Season

By Peter Wagner

The warm weather during spring and summer offers a perfect time for people to show off their toes and slide into their favorite sandals. When though open footwear happens to be more comfortable that full cover shoes, they do not offer full protection and you would not only be at risk of bumping your toes, but also of getting toenail fungus, ingrown toenails and other equally nasty infections. In case you have an ankle or foot concern, you should promptly see a skilled Orland Park podiatrist.

There are tips that can help in getting your feet summer-ready. First, do not be tempted to walk bare foot when at the public pool. Facilities that are open to the public are a dangerous site because concerns like toenail fungus are highly contagious. Visiting the locker room showers without any footwear would also increase your chances of getting ringworms and athletes foot.

You may also want to avoid clipping the edges of your toenails. Instead of doing this, choose to cut the nail straight across. This will significantly reduce the chances of getting an ingrown toenail after the nail fails to grow outwards and grows towards the skin instead. As minor as the concern may sound, it can leave you in devastating pain.

It is possible to treat an ingrown toenail without seeking medical assistance. Simply avoid cutting the nail any further and clean and disinfect the area at least two times each day. If this does not help, then it could be necessary for you to see a podiatrist. Any time the infection worsens, the pain will double and pus may begin to form. You may also experience some numbness on the affected foot.

Pedicures are crucial for reasons that go beyond aesthetics. It pays to schedule for regular appointments at the nail salon in order to maintain clean and healthy feet. Before you visit the first salon you can find, bear in mind that nail artists use a range of shared tools and products and this can increase your chances of picking a nasty infection. To prevent this, choose specialists who maintain high standards of hygiene.

It is crucial to keep your feet dry even during the warmer seasons. When it is warm, the feet tend to sweat more and this can provide the perfect conditions for fungus to thrive. In case you have to wear closed shoes, apply antifungal powder between your toes. Also choose breathable footwear that can help keep your feet dry and comfortable.

Trimming your cuticles will put you at risk of suffering from toenail fungus, hangnails and other equally nasty infections. The cuticles protect your nails from germs and elements that cause infection. If you want your toenails to look great and you are worried about the cuticles, simply soak the feet in warm water and then push the cuticles backwards using a cuticle pusher.

The most prevalent foot concerns during the summer are toenail fungus and ingrown toenails. It is possible to prevent these infections or get reliable treatment from a skilled podiatrist. An ideal doctor will ensure your foot health by not only accurately diagnosing and treating concerns, but also providing dependable preventative care.

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