
Dealing With Sun Damage Via Photofacial Laser Treatment MN Skin Clinics Provide

By Cynthia Graham

The skin ages naturally. However, dermatologists say that up to 80 percent of the aging process is not due to the passing of years but because of excessive sun exposure. Sun damage is a problem that is faced by a lot of women who like to spend plenty of time outdoors and refuse to apply sunscreen religiously. Luckily, there's photofacial laser treatment MN skin clinics provide that can help deal with this problem that produces all kinds of unfavorable cosmetic issues.

Every beauty-conscious female should apply generous amounts of sunscreen as necessary. It's for the fact that it allows the skin to be shielded from UV light coming from the sun above. It is actually recommended to obtain small amounts of UV light for the synthesis of vitamin D. Getting excessive amounts of it, however, can be damaging.

Eventually, skin damage takes place as a result of unnecessary exposure to the sun's UV rays. It's not unlikely for roughness and dryness to come into being. However, those should be the least of concerns of any woman who wants to remain looking young for a really long time. According to dermatologists, sun damage involves destruction of collagen, a type of protein that makes one's skin firm and plump.

This is why failure to shield one's skin from lots of sun can cause the skin to sag and fine lines to appear everywhere on the face. Soon enough, those faint lines end up as highly noticeable wrinkles. It goes without saying that a female can look a lot older than her real age if sun damage is around.

A lot of melanin, a dark-colored pigment in the skin, may show up if you get lots of UV radiation. It's something that can certainly leave you with darkened skin tone. What's more, it can trigger the appearance of liver spots. Also sometimes referred to as sun spots, these marks are nothing like freckles as they are huge and really dark. Feeling beautiful and confident can be really challenging if there are liver spots all over your face.

Regular application of sunscreen is not only for beauty purposes, but also health reasons. Dermatologists say that repelling UV rays can help considerably reduce a person's risk of battling skin cancer one day. This is a very serious matter as it can be life-threatening most especially if it's not detected and treated right away.

These days, sunscreen comes in so many different forms. There are lotions, gels, sticks and sprays. There are also daily cosmetic products that come integrated with sunscreen. No matter the form, it's important to opt for sunscreen that has an SPF of not less than 30 in order to obtain superb protection from the sun.

It is possible for sun damage to heal on its own, but not all the time. Luckily, a lot of today's skin centers provide photofacial. This beauty procedure utilizes laser to get rid of damaged layers or sections. It also encourages cellular repair and collagen production in the process. Dermatologists recommend photofacial, too, for managing other aesthetic issues such as tiny facial veins, acne and scars.

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