
The Latest Head Lice Removal Tactics

By Edward Wood

A parent or guardian will never enjoy peace of mind knowing that there are insects eating away into the head of his or her child. Head lice removal should be a priority for any parent or guardian. In fact, it should be a search for a permanent solution to avoid an infestation that could lead to skin diseases and an itchy experience.

Regular combing of hair and keeping it neat will produce excellent results because it keeps the scalp clean. In the process of tiding the hair, the insects either fall off or can be removed manually. Once they are cut off from the blood supply that they depend on, they will die. Keep the hair dry such that the environment is uninhabitable for them.

Use products that are made from pyrethrum. This is an ingredient that has proven effective in dealing with insects for years. It works by damaging the nervous system of these insects, causing them to be incapacitated. In this state, they will fall off and die. It also works to damage the eggs and thus render them impossible to breed. The only problem with this method is that insects develop resistance. You might therefore not use the method long enough.

Use olive oil on your hair. This is a surprise addition because it is known best for kitchen use. The advantage of using olive oil is that you are dealing with a natural compound. This means that you will not develop resistance even over time. You can use it over and over. By applying olive oil, you suffocate the insects causing them to fall off.

The hair drier can be used to roast these bugs. The idea is to subject them to a level of heat that they cannot survive. Once they are dead, you can wash them off. This heat will also damage their eggs and young ones. The problem would be damaging your hair. If you cannot withstand the heat, it will be difficult to use this approach.

Hair dunk is an option you should consider. The idea is to drown the rice in water and leave them floating. You can add insecticide into the water to boost the potency of killing these bugs. Take it a notch higher by adding soap or a substance that causes your hair to cake on the scalp. Leave the head to dry to the point of cracking. No insect can survive that kind of treatment.

Vinegar is an effective cleaner whenever you are dealing with grease. It works by dissolving the substance that the insects use to hold onto your hair. This makes it easy for them to fall off. It can be used alone or to clean your scalp after application of the other methods.

Home remedies are preferred because they are free of resistance. It means that you can apply them several times without experiencing resistance. Follow instructions or involve an experienced assistant when using these methods. It is your accuracy that will determine whether you succeed. Keep a neat scalp and the bugs will be eliminated.

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