
What You Need To Know About Revision Rhinoplasty Houston

By Mark Hall

Revision rhinoplasty is also referred to as secondary rhinoplasty and is a complex procedure that is used for reshaping or resizing the nose. That is usually done after an initial surgery was done. It is performed on people who are not satisfied with the aesthetic and functional results of the initial procedure. That is why they seek corrective surgery. When considering revision rhinoplasty Houston residents need to know what the procedure involves.

There are various reasons why people consider the procedure. It could be that they are not fully satisfied with the outcome of the initial surgery. Dissatisfaction might be because there was complicated pre-surgical condition or the surgeon who performed it was not experienced. In some cases, the healing process can get complicated, which means the results will not be as was expected. Owing to the complexities of the process, secondary rhinoplasty needs the skills of specialists with proper experience.

The problems which you experience after having the initial procedure done usually range from cosmetic imperfection to medical problems that are more serious. The more serious problems include nasal bone fracture, breathing problems and nostril deformity. Before you decide to go for the revision procedure, you should be sure that you are the ideal candidate. The initial procedure should be discussed with your surgeon before being given go-ahead for the revision. As a patient, you need to be financially and emotionally ready for the procedure. A surgeon will need to determine whether you are the ideal candidate.

Treatments are performed on outpatient basis. One will be deeply sedated or in certain instances, there is use of general anesthesia. That way, if there is any potential discomfort, it will be minimal. The surgical procedure is through open technique, which makes it possible to have better visualization. It will then be possible to clearly see the nasal cavity. Good vision is critical since the already-reshaped bone and cartilage is not easy to sculpt.

In the event that the reshaping is not easy, there might be the need for cartilage graft from the septum. The graft can also be gotten from the ribs or ears. Injectable fillers can be effectively used when it comes to correction of small defects after the procedure is completed. However, it is usually better to use cartilage from the patient.

Whereas the revision procedure is largely a very safe one, there are a number of risks you should expect. They are the same risks which are associated with initial surgical procedure. The revision procedure involves skin being thickened by scar tissues and there is also less cartilage in the nose, which is what makes it complicated. Possible risks include excessive bleeding, infection and complications that are brought by anesthesia.

After the procedure, there will be bruising and swelling experienced after 5 to 7 days. In addition to that, there is mild pain but which can be managed using medications. There is bruising and swelling on the surgical site for some two weeks. Strenuous exercise should be avoided for a fortnight after surgery.

After swelling and bruising subside, the person is able to resume normal activities. The initial outcomes of the procedure are noticed immediately. The appearance of the patient will improve as swelling subsides.

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