
Tips On Obtaining Superb Results From Getting Laser Hair Removal Worcester MA Provides

By Walter Hayes

Before areas of your face or body with excessive hairs get lasered, there are some important things you need to bear in mind. All of them make it possible for you to enjoy the best possible results from laser hair removal Worcester MA offers. So keep on reading before you head to the nearest clinic to get a treatment.

Stay away from direct sunlight. You should start protecting your skin from the sun about two months ahead of a treatment. Each time you leave your home during the day, apply sunscreen boasting of an SPF of 30 of higher. Definitely, the use of tanning beds and lamps as well as bathing in the sun should be avoided. Experts say that no self tanners should be used, too.

Refrain from removing follicles. Quit heading to the waxing salon or reaching for a pair of tweezers several weeks before your appointment arrives. These methods of removing unwanted facial and body hairs get rid of the follicles, which are the ones that lasers target. Without the follicles, you won't obtain desirable results.

Shave on the day of your treatment. However, it is highly recommended for you to shave areas that are going to be lasered before you pay the clinic a visit. Doing this helps ensure that the lasers will target nothing but the follicles themselves. If you have sensitive skin, it's a good idea for you to shave a day or two before the session to make sure that your skin has already healed to some extent.

Go to the clinic with squeaky clean skin. A really important step that you have to take prior to getting lasered is to eliminate dirt and grime on the skin. If you fail to do so, the lasers may not be able to carry out their job effectively. So in other words, take a shower beforehand. Exfoliating the skin gently is also recommended by the experts. Do keep in mind, however, to use a loofah only because some exfoliating products can leave a thin layer of chemical on the skin.

Do not apply anything on your skin afterwards. Areas of the body that are about to be lasered need to be devoid of any cosmetic product. Refrain from using a deodorant if your armpits are the ones that are about to be treated, or avoid putting on makeup if your face is the one that's about get lasered. Skip applying hand and body lotions and also wearing a perfume.

Avoid consuming caffeine. If truth be told, getting lasered can come with some level of discomfort. In order to really keep discomfort to a minimum, do not drink coffee several hours before paying the clinic a visit. Green tea, cola and energy drinks also have caffeine in them, and that's why you should steer clear of them, too.

Let the expert know about any medication that you are taking. Some drugs are known to diminish the efficacy of lasers or make the skin more sensitive. Acne medications, birth control pills and antibiotics are some examples of them. There is really no need for you to momentarily stop popping them in your mouth. It is the expert who will adjust the instrument used in order to ward off any complication.

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