
Surgeons Performing Bariatric Of Alabama Can Help Obese People

By Mark Gray

Overweight people are much more at risk to contract serious and life threatening medical conditions than those that are fit. Yet more and more people become overweight and obesity is becoming a world wide major health problem. They easily develop heart problems, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and even cancer. In addition, the often struggle to enjoy life because movement is difficult. Surgery in bariatric of Alabama may be the answer for some of these patients.

This type of major intervention is not suitable for every seriously overweight person. Doctors are extremely particular in choosing patients that will benefit. They need to be sure that the patient is truly serious about losing weight and about keeping that weight off permanently. The surgery is certainly not a periodic quick fix. Patients therefore must make sacrifices and demonstrate that they are serious about becoming healthy and fit.

Patients typically find the psychological aspects of adopting a completely new life style daunting and difficult. Many patients simply cannot make the drastic paradigm shift that is required and they therefore do not qualify for the operation. Many other hopeful patients seek help from psychologists and therapists to aid them in changing their life patterns and to remain motivated.

No reputable surgeon will accept a patient that is smoking tobacco or that has used tobacco during the previous six months. Tabasco users are in danger of developing blood clots during and after the surgery and this can easily become very serious, even life threatening. Patients that use alcohol are also seen as a big risk. Alcohol plays havoc with the blood sugar levels and this can also cause complications.

The first priority facing prospective patients is a dramatic change in diet. They have to cut out sugar and caffeine altogether immediately. They are required to consume three smaller meals each day and each meal must contain protein and omega fatty acids, such as can be found in avocado pears. They must also eat more raw fruit and vegetables. No liquids may be used during meals.

Another major requirement is that potential patients must start exercising regularly. At first, they are encouraged to take up exercise regimes that focus on low impact activities, such as walking, swimming or even cycling. Yoga is also highly recommended because it helps the patient to become disciplined, flexible and focused. Exercise causes the release of serotonin which makes the patient feel good and this also plays an important role in establishing a healthy life style.

Patients need to be prepared for a weeks of recuperation. During this period they may suffer from severe discomfort. Large areas of their bodies will be heavily bruised and they may struggle to bend or even to walk around freely. However, these side effects will clear up within a week or three. During the initial two weeks patients will also be prohibited from consuming solid food.

Weight loss surgery is a serious intervention and nobody should ever think that it is an easy way to lose the pounds. Surgeons will only perform this operation if they are sure that the patient is truly committed to a new and healthy life style. For those that qualify and succeed, the rewards can be great.

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