
Simple And Sensible Ideas For Preventing Food Allergies In Children

By Donna Taylor

Today every kid seems to have an allergy of some kind. This was not as true a hundred years ago, and a lot of people wonder why. There are a wide variety of theories. Some center on medication and environment. Others surmise that industrialization introduced many of the allergens people suffer from today. Whatever the truth, all parents-to-be and brand new parents are interested in the subject of preventing food allergies in children.

If you are really serious about having a child who is allergy free, it has to start with you. Six or more months before you conceive you have to sit down and evaluate your diet. If you are eating foods that were sprayed with toxins and chemicals in the field, you have to stop. Processed foods have to be eliminated. Once you get pregnant, it's even more crucial that you keep eating cleanly. Your unborn child depends on you for its food.

Most experts agree that breastfeeding is the ideal. It's the best way to get your child started on a allergy free life. Breast milk is a great source of probiotics and healthy fats. Breastfeeding isn't possible for every new mother though. If you can't feed your child this way, the next best choice is making your own formula. There are sugars and processed ingredients in commercial formula, including organic.

When your baby is ready to eat solid foods, you need to offer real foods, the kind your ancestors offered their babies. Those foods were not sprayed with chemicals and toxins. You don't want to offer your little one processed foods either. This includes rice cereal. Processed foods don't have the nutrients your baby's brain needs to develop properly. Making your own foods is a much better idea.

People are terrified of germs in today's culture. They carry antibacterial wipes and soaps around with them to wipe down anything someone else might have touched. This can be helpful, to a certain extent. Most experts agree that too much is a bad thing. Contact with natural bacteria builds the immune system. Studies show that early exposure to antibiotics increases a child's risk of developing food allergies.

You need to keep your baby away from foods containing GMOs, or genetically modified organisms. GMOs are added to plants to make them more resistant to insects and disease. It also makes produce last longer. The problem is that GMOs can cause allergies and inflammation. Many baby foods and formulas contain GMOs. To avoid them, look for the USDA organic seal on labels.

A lot of new parents, who wouldn't dream of giving their babies anything but organic foods, don't think anything about feeding them unfiltered water. Unfiltered water can be full of toxins, chemicals, and plastic. A baby's body has to work hard to detoxify this water. Baby water should be pure and cleansing.

Most new parents have their baby's best interest at heart. It can be hard to sift through conflicting information to find out what that is. One of the best ways to decide is to stop and consider whether or not the foods you are giving your child would have been recognizable to your ancestors.

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