
Averting Tanning Sun Is Not The Solution For Skin Issues

By Haywood Hunter

The most natural way to acquire the deep bronzed tan that you have been dreaming of is through the tanning sun. Its use however, has been decreasing recently, and this is largely due to the fact that it can cause skin cancer. Sunburns and premature aging are other things that have been associated with overexposure to the sun. However, much as this is true, the solution is not just abstaining from tanning sun. Instead, what ought to be done is teaching people how to tan smartly so as to prevent incidences of sunburns and other related issues.

This is especially with indoor tanning sun facilities. The rule of thumb is NEVER to sunburn. It is important educating the public with regard to smart sun services. This is evident and is supported by research that shows that regular tanning salon clients, upon beginning tanning, are less likely to get sunburns by stepping outdoors by 81%. This observation is as compared to non-tanners.

It is not just the only people who use tanning sun that are at the risk of getting sunburns. In fact, the incidence of sunburns is rising in the general American population. However, this is decreasing among regular indoor tanners. This can be attributed to the fact that these facilities are teaching their clients better ways of preventing sunburns once they go outdoors.

What is suggested by the above statements is that by merely avoiding the sun, it cannot be said that you are completely safe from tanning sun effects. Instead, solving the problem has to be pegged on being smart in the way that one deals with sunrays. Avoiding it is not the solution. Remember that there is no way any person can survive without the sun.

This fact just shows how it is interesting the way people have been warned that they should have nothing to do with tanning sun with regards to tanning. Also, they have been told that solar is their enemy and that there is nothing as safe tan. What has happened is that people have continued to believe that avoiding the sun is less safe than tanning.

As a matter of fact, you will be exposed to a greater risk of skin cancer if you were intent on avoiding the sun than someone who enjoys regular indoor tanning. People who avoid tanning sun by not going out regularly have higher chances of getting sunburn when they venture out. Sunburns is what causes permanent skin damage.

Thus, regular exposure to the sun has several hidden benefits. For starters, this is the only natural reliable source of vitamin D. As research shows, regular exposure to the tanning sun is inextricably linked with the high levels of vitamin D. Now, vitamin D is very important as it prevents an individual from getting certain forms of cancer, such as ovarian, colon and breast cancer.

However, this is not to say that people should expose themselves to the tanning sun. The point is that even if you do not regularly expose your skin to sun, you can still get sunburns. It involves learning ways of preventing these issues, like sunburning. After all, there is no way anyone can do without tanning sun.

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