
Find Out How A SE Portland Chiropractor Helps Whiplash Victims

By Judie Vivien Pullido

Auto accidents, whiplash and chiropractic care: these items are all linked. Whiplash is one of the most frequent results of a car accident. Fortunately chiropractic care provides one of the best methods to relieve the pain associated with whiplash.

Whiplash is an injury involving soft tissue. Sometimes affected individuals assume the problem is muscle strain, but if the issue persists, inflammation can set in and cause additional pain.

Whiplash occurs when the force of a car crash pushes your body forward, at the same time that your head momentarily stays in place. That reaction causes your head to be thrown forward violently. What makes this accident so severe is the actual weight of your head being thrown first in one direction, followed immediately by a thrust in the opposite direction.

A whiplash injury could cause severe neck pain, a reduced range-of-motion in upper body and neck, stiff muscles, dizziness, muscle spasms, and much more. What will an SE Portland chiropractor use to help reduce whiplash pain?

An initial evaluation may conclude that a series of spinal manipulations is necessary to reposition the joints and increase the ability of the patient move naturally and without pain. Professional technicians have specialized tools they use to manipulate the muscles. Other times they employ manual massage to gently realign the affected areas and increase function.

Massage is an alternative method that increases blood flow to the problem areas and reduces the discomfort. Soft tissue therapies may also be employed as the discretion of the practitioner. The swelling that sometimes occurs can often be successfully reduced with the use of electric stimulation.

Finally, direct pressure may be applied to special trigger points in your body to help relieve pain and loosen tight muscles. This may also work by helping your bones move back into more normal positions.

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