
A Closer Look At Drug Abuse Prevention

By Roger Gray

The world we know is advancing every minute. The advancement of technology is just one example of how far we have come in the last twenty years. There are other aspects of life that have been affected with this advancement. Because of technological advancements, the world of medicine can do things that were unimaginable in years past. This is also true in creating drugs that help conditions and diseases. These medicines are known to help improve the quality of life for those that need it. This includes prescription pain pills. Most of them are very addicting and can ultimately ruin someones life. It is very important to educate those taking the medication on drug abuse prevention.

One of the most common ways that people get addicted to prescription pills is by self-medicating. Most opioids are safe and effective if the patient takes them as the doctor prescribed. Often those receiving the drugs will increase the dosage or take the drugs longer than they should. When this happens, they typically become dependent on them to get through their day.

Many times, addiction starts when a person gets a prescription from the doctor and gets hooked on them. It is very common to hear someone addicted to prescription pain pills that they got introduced to them by a doctor. There are times in everyones life that they require extra help controlling pain, especially after an accident or surgery.

Most pain pills given to patients by their doctors are opioid based and can be very addicting if not used as prescribed. Addiction starts when the person tries to go without them after being on them for an amount of time. Withdrawals of these pills can cause the patient to feel bad, therefore they want more of them to overcome the feelings of nausea and depression.

Of course, there are other ways someone may try drugs. The most common is through peer pressure. School aged children are at more risk for this to happen, but adults can cause peer pressure as well. No one wants to be the outcast and it takes a strong person to say no to loved ones and friends.

Although there are no set answers on how to curb drug use but educating the public is one of the most important steps that is taken. Talking about the problem in schools and at home can give young people the strength they need to say no. Detrimental damage to ones life because of drug use is almost a guarantee when someone gets involved with drugs such as heroin and meth.

Education and self-worth is the key to curbing drug abuse. Getting young people involved in activities in both the schools and community, will help direct their attention to better things in life and take the attention off other activities that could damage both their bodies and minds.

When it comes to deterring someone from abusing drugs, it is vital to direct their attention to the good things in life. Education and other positive aspects of life will help decrease the number of people that initially try drugs, therefore, help lower the chances of getting addicted. There are many programs for those that need to conquer their addictions.

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