
Denver CO Chiropractor Offers Relief From Headaches

By Frank Carbart

There are over 100 different types of headaches, denoted by the symptoms as well as the causes. Here are some of the most common types that are seen by Denver, CO Chiropractors:

Tension headaches: Commonly referred to as stress headaches, non-progressive headaches, chronic headaches, or daily headache these are common in adults as well as teens and are the most reported type of headache experienced. They cause a mild to moderate level of pain and will usually throb and come and go. They tend to coincide with stressful events so treating the tension with a good chiropractic massage can be a good way to combat the pain and ache.

Migraines: Generally manifesting as throbbing, pounding, or stabbing pains, they often have other side effects as well. They can be debilitating and can last a few hours, days, or weeks, even. Some people have multiples within a month. Additional symptoms include noise and light sensitivity, motion sickness, and stomach cramps. Although the cause is often hard to pinpoint, spinal adjustments are usually an effective way to reduce their frequency and severity.

Cluster headaches: This type of headache is not too common and this is a good thing because this type of headache is considered by those who have suffered from them to be the single most intense and painful headache they have ever experienced. People describe it as a burning or piercing pain behind the eyes, and it can come and go or be constant.

Most people pace in pain because it gets so bad. If someone suffering from a cluster headache can get out of bed long enough for someone to get them to the chiropractors' then a massage or adjustment can help relieve some of the pain and tension.

Sinus: This headache category is commonly linked to allergies and congestion. They typically accompany situations such as infections, allergic reactions, and Sinusitis. Other symptoms which might manifest with the pain are facial swelling, coughing, sneezing, sore throat, low grade fever, plugged ears, and a runny nose. Many people are often surprised to learn chiropractic techniques are capable of alleviating the debilitating pressure and pains associated with this condition.

Mixed headache syndrome: This is another dozy of a headache and it is also called transformed migraines by some people. A condition that is a mix of migraine and tension headaches; affecting both adults and children. It is one of the most commonly diagnosed headaches. They are usually short lived but severity, frequency, and intensity varies greatly form one person to the next. If you suffer from frequent headaches, a visit to your Denver, CO Chiropractor may be just what you need to feel better!

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