
What You Need To Know About Morrilton AR Colonoscopy

By Brian Richardson

Actually, if the doctor recommend that a colonoscopy procedure be done, there should be no course for alarm. This is because the procedure is not terrible as some people would think. In fact, you might not even remember about it after it is complete. Morrilton AR Colonoscopy is recommended by your doctor in order to find the possible cause for various problems such as rectal bleeding, abdominal pain, and change in your bowel habit.

This procedure allows physician to carry out an examination of the inside lining of large intestines or the colon. All through the procedure, the colon is observed using a colonoscope. In addition, the procedure may be utilized in detecting internal bleeding, colon polyps, ulcers, inflammations or even tumors. Collection of tissue samples as well as the removal of unusual growths can also rely on this procedure. Again, the procedure may be applicable to cancerous or precancerous growth screening tests in the colon or rectum.

Colonoscopy is usually done using a colonoscope that is a flexible and slender tube usually 48 to 78 inches long. Video cameras are attached to the colonoscope and doctors use them to capture videos or pictures of the colon. This instrument may be applied in examining lower parts of small intestines as well as the colon in entirety. Nevertheless, sigmoidoscopy tests may also be performed in order to observe solely the lower colon or rectum.

Before undergoing this procedure, one is usually required to wash out their large intestines in a procedure called colon prep. The colon prep is done in a day or two depending on the kind of prep that is used. Some people normally allege that preps are worse than the procedure itself. Bowel prep can present discomforts as one may feel some hunger because of the diet consisting of clear liquid. In addition, colon prep causes frequent diarrhea and loose stool with the colon being emptied.

Colonoscopy however is one of other various tests, which are applicable in the screening of large intestines. Other tests are for example stool tests, sigmoidoscopy as well as worked out tomographic colonography. The test that a patient undergoes normally depends on the dangers involved, patient preferences and the recommendations from doctors. Consequently, it is essential to have your doctor address the issues of possible risks together with the fitting tests to your case.

Before the test, the doctor will want to know of any special medical conditions that the patient might have. Some of those special conditions are such as heart conditions, pregnancy, lung conditions, and allergies to medications. Also, it would be essential to let your doctor know if you have diabetes or if you are under other types of medications.

Usually, the test takes about 30 minutes. The doctor might give some medications to help you sleep or relax during the procedure. Again, you might require someone to take you home after the procedure.

Colonoscopy just like any other medical or surgical procedure has its complication risks. Some of the likely complications may be reactions to sedative drugs or bowel preparation, bleeding, infections, lung problems, colon perforations and even heart problems.

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