
Learn About Nashville TN Athletic Injury Safety Tips

By Katy Parfait

Every year, more than 2 million children and teens are seen in an emergency room due to injuries sustained from playing sports. Some organized sports are more hazardous than others. To help your child safe, a Nashville chiropractor has safety tips that will keep kids protected from harm.

When folks know what kind of injuries are typical during sporting activities and practices, they are better able equipped to protect their children. Sprains and strains are very common injuries. They result from a sudden trauma like twisting, falling, or a collision with another players.

It is also important that the proper safety wear is used to reduce the risk of harm. The gear should fit the individual well in order to be useful. Hand me down gear is not really the correct choice because it may not fit your child properly.

Children and teens can also avoid harm by properly warming up and cooling down for games and practice. Warming up before a game and cool downs after, will help avert injury to the muscles and joints. Also, this is a practice that should be used before and after your child practices.

Hairline fractures and tendonitis are also quit common among children and teens who play sports. Usually, this kind of an injury is associated with adults rather than teens and children. These conditions result from overusing or repeatedly working a specific part of the body without enough time to recover before the next workout. Injuries may not be noticed right away because they are slow to develop.

It is recommended that children rest for about 10 uninterrupted weeks from a sport. Kids need to have time off to help prevent overusing muscles and joints and avoid injury. Remember that using the correct safety equipment, warming up and cooling down will also keep your kids safe from overuse, strains, and sprains.

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